Investigating Brassicas Around the World
Wisconsin Fast Plants belong to the genus Brassica, which contains diverse agricultural crops with significant economic, cultural, and commercial value to the world’s population. Learn about the origins of Brassicas and the importance of these crops Around the World in the video below.
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This video was designed as a resource for our Open Source lesson: Investigating Brassicas Around the World & Wisconsin Fast Plants. You can learn more about this lesson in our blog post here and you can access all of the lesson’s materials (available for free) here.
**This video is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0**
Around the World Video – Acknowledgements and Attributions
The Wisconsin Fast Plants Team thanks teachers, researchers, and educators who have learned and grown with us over the last 35+ years.
Special thanks to Alex McAlvay for providing his expertise and participating in this video.
Thank you to voiceover artists, Melissa Rochelle and Ken Sandberg.
Thanks to the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and Robert Morrow of Sierra Space who granted us permission to use their images, and to photographers and musicians worldwide who licensed their works as Creative Commons content. Full attributions for content used in this video are below.
Thank you to the Department of Plant Pathology in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a public land-grant university of the State of Wisconsin, for supporting the Wisconsin Fast Plants research and outreach program from its inception.
Background Audio Attributions
Science Summit by Serge Quadrado
Grow Grotesque by Doctor Turtle (
Audio use licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 (
Photo/Video Content Attributions