Lessons & Investigation
Activities for lesson planning and more.
Elementary Lessons
Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants is engaging and educational for learners of ALL ages and grade levels. These recommended resources are great for getting started with Fast Plants. You’ll find many, many more resources in our Digital Library, too.

Beeing an Engineer
Lesson Plans
Learners gather evidence for explaining that Fast Plants—like other organisms—have a life cycle that includes “birth” or germination, growth, reproduction, and death. Use with Standard Fast Plants Seeds

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Elementary Exploration of Plant Life Cycles
Complete Kit
Learners explore the relationship between the needs of plants and the places they live, while observing plant structures that function to support survival, growth, and reproduction.

Reading Green™: Investigating the Life Cycle and Growth of Flowering Plants Kit
Lesson Plans
Learners explore the relationship between the needs of plants and the places they live, while observing plant structures that function to support survival, growth, and reproduction.
Middle School Lessons
Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants is engaging and educational for learners of ALL ages and grade levels. These recommended resources are great for getting started with Fast Plants. You’ll find many, many more resources in our Digital Library, too.

Investigating Brassicas Around the World with Wisconsin Fast Plants®
Open Source Lesson Plan Folder
Learners construct a scientific explanation based on evidence to answer the investigation’s phenomenon question: “How is it that so many plants classified as Brassica look and taste different?”

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Growth, Development, and Reproduction Advanced Student Kit
Complete Kit
Learners gather evidence and use scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction.

Wisconsin Fast Plants® 72-hour Monohybrid Genetics Kit
Complete Kit
Learners develop and use a model to describe why reproduction in Fast Plants results in offspring with variation. Uses Fast Plant seed disks germinated in a Petri dish. No grow lights necessary.
High School Lessons
Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants is engaging and educational for learners of ALL ages and grade levels. These recommended resources are great for getting started with Fast Plants. You’ll find many, many more resources in our Digital Library, too.

Exploring Energy Transformations in Plants
Lesson Plans
Learners investigate how plants harness and use sources of energy during germination and growth. Use with Standard Fast Plants Seeds

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Growth, Development, and Reproduction Advanced Student Kit
Complete Kit
Learners observe the Fast Plant life cycle with an emphasis on gathering evidence for how systems function and interact (e.g. nutrient and water uptake).

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Who’s the Father? Investigating Genetics Dihybrid Kit
Lesson Plans
Learners investigate and ask questions to clarify relationships about the role of DNA and chromosomes in coding the instructions for characteristic traits passed from parents to offspring.
Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants is engaging and educational for learners of ALL ages and grade levels. These recommended resources are great for getting started with Fast Plants. You’ll find many, many more resources in our Digital Library, too.
Independent Investigations
Growing Wisconsin Fast Plants is engaging and educational for learners of ALL ages and grade levels. These recommended resources are great for getting started with Fast Plants. You’ll find many, many more resources in our Digital Library, too.

Independent Investigations with Wisconsin Fast Plants®
Informational Resource
This resource includes a list of investigable questions that are well suited to experimentation with Standard Fast Plants Seeds and information about observing and quantifying variation in Fast Plants.

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Independent Research Kit
Complete Kit
Materials kit that includes the seeds and growing materials needed for 4 deli-container growing systems for experimentation plus planting instructions.

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Confetti Kit
Complete Kit
This kit includes a variety of Wisconsin Fast Plants® seeds for studying variation in traits across 8 or more different Fast Plant stocks. Includes quads and the Wisconsin Fast Plant watering system.