F2 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf seed packet

F2 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf Variety

F2 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf

Phenotypes: purple & non-purple stems and dark-green & yellow-green leaves
Genotypes are variable combinations from the cross: anl/ANL, YGR/ygr x anl/ANL, YGR/ygr

F2 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf stock is produced from a cross between parents from the F1 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf stock, meaning both parents were heterozygous for two genes (anl/ANL, YGR/ygr x anl/ANL, YGR/ygr). This F2 (second) generation Fast Plants population exhibits the Mendelian-predicted 9:3:3:1 ratio of stem and leaf color phenotypes (see front envelope image).

The Yellow-Green Leaf trait must be observed in plants that are grown in soil; this trait cannot be distinguished in seedlings that are germinated on paper towel.

Note that an F2 population sample size typically must be sufficiently large (>100 plants) to demonstrate the 9:3:3:1 theoretical phenotype probability.

Fast Plants need 24 hour light, continuous moisture, and soil-free potting mix


  • Dihybrid Genetics – recommended for multiple-gene inheritance studies with the F1 Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf seed stock

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