Mendelian Inheritance Investigation Options Calendar Comparison

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This PDF document shows three calendars side-by-side for comparing the time and materials needed for three different versions of the Fast Plants Mendelian Inheritance Investigation that is commonly called "Who's the Father?"

Option A involves students growing the F1 generation of Fast Plants in soil; students observe, then produce their own F2 seeds to generate phenotypic data from which they can infer genotypes.

Option B involves students growing the F1 generation of Fast Plants in soil; students observe, then purchased F2 seeds that were produced commercially are germinated for students to generate phenotypic data from which they can infer genotypes.

Option C involves students germinating the F1 generation of Fast Plants in a petri dish; students observe, then purchased F2 seeds that were produced commercially are germinated for students to generate phenotypic data from which they can infer genotypes.

Although this comparison calendar gives the monohybrid examples of conducting this investigation with a cross between homozygous Nonpurple Stem and Purple stem parental plants, the same investigation options can be used with dihybrid seed stocks in which the first generation (F1) is a cross between Nonpurple Stem and Rossette Dwarf seed stocks.

Alternate Title
Who's the Father? options comparison calendar
Phenotypic Trait
Media Format
Materials Development Era
Education Level
The Wisconsin Fast Plants Program
Licensed by the Fast Plants Program under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Date Issued
February 1st, 2023
Email Address
Date Last Modified
September 18th, 2023 at 1:50pm (W3C-DTF)
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