Blogpost - Dihybrid Inheritance Study - Open Source Educator Resources

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This blog post from the Wisconsin Fast Plants features open source educator resources, developed in 2023. These resources support the teaching of genetics concepts with tools focused on a Dihybrid Inheritance Study. This study provides a two-week approach for observing three generations of plant seedlings, germinated in Petri dishes. Observation of these three generations provides a model for inheritance of two traits found in Fast Plants seed varieties: Non-Purple Stem and Rosette-Dwarf. While observing traits in seedlings, students are guided to discuss norms for data collection and generate an evidence based model that explains the observed traits.

This post is primarily a point of reference, giving background information about the Dihybrid Inheritance Study activity and providing links to free downloadable resources for teaching in your classroom. Resources include slideshows with photos of seedlings and discussion prompts, an implementation calendar, and handouts for preparation of Petri dishes in the classroom.

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