Investigating Brassicas Around the World with Wisconsin Fast Plants - Open Source GRC Lesson

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This investigation begins with a phenomenon that is evidenced in most every produce aisle: Many of the vegetables that botanists classify as Brassica look and taste different. This investigation aligns with middle and high school Next Generation Science Standards as well as with agricultural science Plant Career Path Standards. Provided as an Open Source Lesson in Gather-Reason-Communicate format, this investigation supports teachers as students learn about the life cycle of flowering plants, how environmental and genetic factors influence an organisms's growth, how humans influence plants through plant breeding, and how scientists can use classification as a tool for understanding relatedness among organisms.

This includes a lesson plan and supporting resources including videos, an interview, readings, and protocols.

Materials Development Era
The Wisconsin Fast Plants Program
This work by Wisconsin Fast Plants Program is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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Date Last Modified
May 23rd, 2023 at 5:40pm (W3C-DTF)
NGSS Standard
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